Make the most of this extra time you have to sharpen your personal brand & be ready for any job opportunity when it lands on your desk.
With many global job reports revealing todays’ record-setting job losses and a rising unemployment rate due to this crazy pandemic, it is important to be aware of which personal branding activities are the most valued during the hiring process. Your presence is of course not only in person, but it is initially on paper and online, so understanding how to present the most impeccable “Brand of you” has to be congruent across all these spheres.
Here are 4 things that employers will notice about the “Brand of You”:
- Fact: 98% of employers do online background research about candidates
Task: Be ahead of the game and make sure your number one social media presence is with a tailored, professional online profile on Linkedin.
2. Fact: 90% of employers also say they assess a job candidates’ social media accounts into their hiring decisions, and 79% have rejected a candidate based on their content.
Task: Polish your social media profiles – it is fair to use social media to tell the story about your life, but be careful about how much you share online. Getting too personal on social media can hurt your chances for a job.
3. Fact: 72% of HR professionals still say that a resume is very important when evaluating an applicant. It allows them to see how detail-orientated and precise a person is through the lay-out, the achievements and how well the candidate “fits » their position
Task : Make sure your resume stands out – Now’s the best time to update your resume to back-up of your personal brand
4. Fact: 43% of HR professionals use Google search to research job applicants, and 80% say a personal website is important when evaluating a job candidate.
Task: SEO your name. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a helpful branding exercise for many companies but you too can also benefit from increased search visibility. Invest in a personal website – I know this may seem daunting, but it can help you stand out from the crowd by bringing a CV or cover letter to life.
Unlike a business or company brand, a personal brand is how a job seekers market their individual experiences to employers or potential professional connections. Personal branding helps people distinguish themselves from others with similar interests, skills, or qualities
Gillian Lana is passionate about boosting employability within the Hospitality sector. Her dynamic and inter-active courses have been an integral part of the Careers Departments in 10 of the Top Hospitality Management Schools in the world for the past 15 years. You now have the possibility to follow her online Video Courses and engage personally through one on one coaching.
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